mandag, januar 05, 2009

The year was 2009.

It`s time for a update again, the first post in 09...I am going to start this of with saying Happy newyear to all of you!

As I was reading the paper to day I found the comics, they are normally the first thing I check before readig the rest. There was this stripe of the comic Pondus and I think it good because I could see myself in it in some way.

It`s not always that easy as in this comic. Have you ever felt the same way as Jokke in the comic? Its kind of funny, but in the same time not.

This piece needs some music and that is a song by Kanye West, Bittersweet.


Blogger Sanna Marie said...

Godt nyttår til dæ og:)

5:50 p.m.  
Blogger Marion Kristina said...

godt nyttår ja :)
kul pondusstripe..hehe..elsker pondus..

8:42 p.m.  

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